End Modern Slavery Initiative. 2015.

2015_0323_standforfreedom1So there is something really, really exciting in the works right now. If you remember during the month December, I participated in Dressember which raises money for the awesome human's rights organization IJM. A couple of days ago, I received an email IJM informing me about a new Act that is coming to the attention of our political leaders (all over the world). It is the End Modern Slavery Initiative (EMSI) Act.The EMSI Act will unite leaders from the government, religious, nonprofit and business spheres to enact proven anti-slavery models on a worldwide scale—freeing millions of families and fixing whole systems so that everyone is protected. World leaders have chipped away at the crime of slavery for years, but now we have a history-making opportunity to end it. This is a huge step forward, and we cannot let the U.S. miss out.IJM is gathering  signatures to take to the U.S. government in an effort to make sure we don't let this incredible opportunity pass by unnoticed. Sign IJM's petition and ask your elected officials to support the End Modern Slavery Initiative Act of 2015. 2015_0323_standforfreedom2


In the last decade, the world has seen some success fighting slavery community by community. But these programs haven’t been resourced to tackle slavery on a large enough scale.

That’s where the EMSI Act of 2015 comes in.

The EMSI Act will take those methods that we know work and make it possible for them to operate on an entirely unprecedented level. And because it represents a global public-private partnership, we know it will have the support it needs to truly advance the fight for freedom.

This initiative will fund programs that:
  • Free slaves and ensure their recovery, protect others from being exploited, and enforce laws that punish slave owners and traffickers
  • Set clear, defined goals and outcomes that can be measured
  • Achieve a measurable 50% reduction of modern slavery in targeted populations.


You Are Enough, Okay?


Hellooooo Spring!!