You Are Enough, Okay?

2015_0324_youareenoughSometimes you just have to look in the mirror and tell yourself that.

You are enough, okay?

We hear so many stories that we are not enough the way we are- we are not skinny enough, tall enough, fashionable enough, perfect enough. It is not true. You are enough right now. Right at this very moment- you are beautiful and unique and you.I've started to try to tell myself this everyday as a new years resolution and for Christmas my hubby bought me the Brené Brown Gifts of Imperfection class online that has been helping me through that resolution. There is nothing more empowering then pulling away from painful thoughts of "What will people think?" or "I'm not good enough" to "I am imperfect and I am enough."

I am imperfect and I am enough.

I thought I would surround myself with the truth that I am enough right now. So... of course I made some phone backgrounds that I will see every time I turn on my phone and I thought I would share them all with you.


This and That. Have Courage and Be Kind.


End Modern Slavery Initiative. 2015.