Flowers Always.

2016_0805_flowersI love Claude Monet... and I love flowers. It always makes my day when I get a special delivery of flowers from my husband. I like flowers and fresh perfume and clean sheets and fresh baked banana bread... all the lovely things in life.Life throws you moments of struggles and difficulties that you're not sure you'll make it through in one piece. Lately- it has been random flare ups with my shoulder- I get bursts of feeling overwhelmed and depressed at the thought of my shoulder never completely healing. The down trodden feelings can make everything worse... I recognize that the negative feelings can affect my physical pain even more.I know I've heard this many times before- and I know that I have probably said it myself. Focusing on the positive is so important for these types of situations. I have realized that I can't just put a smile on my face and be like "my shoulder will be fine I just know it! no need to be upset or worried." Focusing on all the positive things in my life though instead of focusing on the pain as been particularly helpful.Focusing on the flowers or the fact I'm in my new house or the fact that my parents are visiting for the weekend. I must have a positive focus in life always and always.


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