Styled. Simple, Comfy Halloween Costumes.

Oh YES. The weather is LOVELY right now. I'm completely in sweater weather heaven (and I love that clip from SNL btw). Other than that I have some simple Halloween costumes for you- which you can potentially pull right out of your closet!I love me some simple, comfy Halloween costumes- that don't FEEL like costumes. I prefer as little face paint and super cheap fabric as possible... and I loathe buying a costume that comes out of a plastic bag. So I either utilize the wonders of a simple shirt and printable iron-ons OR something that I can pull out of my closet in a strategic way with only few well place accessories (which are not usually necessary to get the idea across).2015_1007_rosierivetercostume

Rosie The Riveter

Classy, empowering, and oh-so-simple.

1 |  Chambray Button Down

Or chambray-like. I'm actually not a huge fan of chambray- but a denim/chambray/blue button down is a necessary part of the costume though- plus this is a work horse piece in any wardrobe day to day. Shop This Button Down

2 | WWII Pin

This is an unnecessary item for the costume- but a great way to add some authenticity to your look. This particular one is a vintage one I found on etsy for a great price. Shop This Pin or This One

3 |  Jeans

Or trousers (some form of bottoms are a necessary.... because they always are)- whichever you feel most comfortable in or feel the most like it embodies the costume for you.  Shop These Jeans

4 |  Red (Polka Dot) Scarf

100% necessary item- maybe it doesn't have to have polka dots, but it does have to be red (and polka dots are a definitely nice to have).  Shop This Scarf (this one is out of stock)

5 |  Lace Up Boots

Add a rugged-ish look to your capable and strong feminism ensemble. Shop These Boots2015_1007_lizlemoncostume

Liz Lemon

Quirky, comfy, and strong in her own right.

1 |  Glasses

Maybe you own your own glasses- or maybe you need some clear glasses. Shop These Glasses

2 | TGS Hoodie

To really sell the part- this hoodie is an awesome addition. But you don't have to get the hoodie- you can also through on a simple blazer over a regular shirt. Shop This Hoodie

3 | Slouchy Jeans

Slouchy, comfy jeans are what you definitely need for this part as Liz Lemon is all about the easy and comfortable.  Shop These Jeans or These Jeans

4 |  Simple Necklace

Nothing to flashy- a little pearl on a simple chain is all you need.  Shop This Necklace

5 |  Scrunchy

Pull your hair back with an awkward scrunchy. Shop This Scrunchy

6 |  Sneakers

There is a consistent joke about Liz Lemon's shoes being a little masculine- when she's all about comfort. Shop These Sneakers


This and That. Yeah.


Minimalism & Simplicity | Unstuffing