Wherever you go.

inspirational confucius quote - wherever you goLive life with passion- that's what I initially get out of this. I stumbled across this inspirational confucius quote about a week ago and it kind of stuck with me. You know those moments when you get a little bored with life? And you just feel unsure of exactly what you are doing... then quotes like this pop up.I love the idea of pursuing your passions- letting go of things that weigh you down and jumping into what fuels your heart and soul. But I feel like maybe all of this (this as in absolutely everything) is more than just pursuing your passions.Like it or not we are going to hit points in our life that are not our favorite... that don't specifically fuel our souls the way our passions do. They are a part of our journey though- rough patches and uninspired moments are unavoidable.Life is also not about just keeping our heads down and powering through (arrested development anyone?)- but about putting heart into our every step. Wherever we go- we should go with heart because it is all part of the journey. Every step is important- because standing still is not living.  


This and That. Make Your Dreams Happen.


Styled. Transitional, Heart-Warming Autumn.