Blackhead Miracle Product.

2015_0727_mariobadescuI have struggled with black heads on my nose for... pretty much for as long as I have been aware of looks and acne and all those blessings that come with puberty. I have tried so many different products to get rid of them- scrubs, masks, etc etc...I'm a huge sucker for 'black head' treatment products... so when spotted Mario Badescu's Silver Powder I was a big ole sucker and purchased it. It promised all the things that all the other products have- diminishes and eliminates stubborn, excessive blackheads. It even claimed that I would see a difference after just one application.Β I am convinced there in the store that this product will somehow be different from all the rest and actually live up to what it says it will do.It is a fairly simple product- you dab a wet cotton ball into the powder and then dab/wipe it onto your nose (I found it works best if you nose is also a little wet). Then you give it about 10 to 15 minutes until it is dry and then you wipe it off with toner (I haven't been using the Mario Badescu toner- I have some Aveda toner that my mom couldn't use anymore).So here is where you will probably roll your eyes at me... but this one actually worked for me. I'm honestly still a little stunned about it. I've only been using it two weeks and I've already noticed a huge difference.Β It doesn't happen over night- but over half of my blackheads are gone now.I highly recommend trying it out... and I was too excited about to know share it with you. lol. I found it at Ulta- but I've seen a couple other places as well.

*please note- I did not receive any compensation for the review of this product.*


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