This and That. I Hope You Know.

Wah... I feel a little MIA here... with the vacations and weekend road trips and so on. Plus... I've kind of been working on something 'big' for me... something I've kind of wanted to do for a long time and I'm trying to jump in a do it. June and July have been kind of a whirl wind. I'm here though. :DHow cute are these finds?2015_0717_pinterestone  |  printable groovy fruity  //  via design is yay!two  |  craft my flats: ice cream cones  //  via damask lovethree  |  eleven summer cupcake toppers  //  via sugar and clothfour  |  citrus slice bags  //  via oleander and palmfive  |  i hope you know...   //  via alizalattasix  |  donut floor cushion  //  via urban outfitters


Heading Out on the Road.


Happy Birthday Bubba!