This Year in Resolutions.

2015_0107_resolutionsChristmas is over. I put away my decorations yesterday and as usual- I am posting my resolutions for 2015. Just like I did last year and the year before. And just like last year, I completed about half of my goals from 2014.That's not an issue though. I know that new years resolutions get a bad rap for being unattainable and unsuccessful- but let's not let that tarnish the idea of setting goals. Goals are great and motivating things. They should not be over by February. They should not promise you a completely different you. They should not contradict who you are as a person. And they shouldn't definitely not feel like a weight around your neck holding you down.Goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time sensitive. If you throw out this unspecific, unattainable goal, you will only find yourself quickly and utterly abandoning it. It is alright to have a big goal- but you should break it down into manageable steps. A manageable step within a larger goal is feasible. :)Above all- you should flexible and gracious to yourself.

1  |  cook at home three times a week

I did this goal last year and found that it was to lofty- so i'm adjusting it for this year. My hubby and I are enacting a stricter cash budget for shopping and restaurants... so financially I want to cut back on going out to eat. Honestly though... I would love to be more comfortable with cooking in a meal in the kitchen.

2  |  stop ordering dessert at restaurants

I am trying to be healthier and loose a little weight- but I don't want to throw out a ridiculous number and then feel horrible when I can't reach it quickly. I'm going to set this smaller step- not ordering desserts at restaurants anymore. Then I'll move onto another step.

3  |  read four new books

I've done this several years in a row... and I have really liked it. I love to read and just like to have a little bench mark to inspire me to read more.

4  |  sew three new projects

I did this goal last year and really enjoyed it. It was challenging and I got frustrated, but I also felt freaking awesome when I completed a couple projects. I'm going to try it again. :)

5  |  exercise three times a week

And... last week I said five times a week (boooo) and that was just ridiculous of me. I did okay for about three months. Then I successfully went through the entire Insanity workout DVDs. So I am just adjusting this goal a bit to making more attainable in relation to how things worked last year.

6  |  use up my entire watercolour pad

I never really got into watercolouring when I was in school- I preferred oils and acrylics more. I recently started playing with watercolours and got a big pad of watercolour paper that I'm pretty excited to play with. I'm going to set a goal to use up my entire pad by the end of the year. :)

7  |  practice my piano three times a week

I set a really high goal for my piano last year and it only went okay... so I'm bringing down the mark a bit to lessen the load. I really want to get into the habit of practicing my piano.

8  |  tell myself I'm beautiful once a day

Not to get some sort of big head or something- but I struggle with my self-worth quite a bit. A lot of that starts within myself- I need to tell myself that I am beautiful and worthy. Everyday.

9  |  go easy on myself and relax

These are just goals... and they are not worth betting myself up over.


This and That. And So The Adventure Begins.


Freebie. Printable 2015 Calendar.