It's My Birthday!

2014_1219_birthdayI'm twenty- six today! I took the day from work and everything to celebrate. My hubby has this whole big thing planned that I'm pretty excited about. He woke me up at like 5.30 so we could go to a fancy breakfast place that serves waffles (my favorite indulgent breakfast food ever) because he planned a big day at the spa for me that starts at 9.00am. Then even more stuff after that... yeah. I have the best guy ever ever ever. :DI'm going to take a little holiday so I will be not so present until the new year. Maybe a few little posts here and there. So follow me on instagram if you are curious what's happening around here- plus you can see proof of my month long dresses.See you soon! Have a wonderful holiday season!! Now I am going to stuff my face with waffles. :D


Merry merry Christmas!


Five Ways to Have A Truly Joyful Christmas.