Love What You Have.

2014_1013_lovewhatyouhaveIt was a little over a year ago that my hubby and I moved into our new place... and somehow in the year we accumulated a bunch more stuff. I guess that is always the case right? We just keep buying things. :PMy hubby was kind of awesome this past weekend and did a really intense clean of our kitchen. We now have a box full of stuff for goodwill andΒ clean cupboards. And we've realized how much we have purchased that we don't need and don't use.Why do I always listen to the idea that I just need one more thing and one more item. I need one more product to make myself feel beautiful. One more cute pacesetting to make my home look like the ones on Pinterest.Β Ugh. Then I look at the box of items that I don't need and feel a little frustrated.My hubby and I really want to simplify our lives more- focus on the simpler things of life and enjoy the benefit of not buying so much (you know... a little extra cash). We are going to try to clean the rest of our rooms to narrow down what we have to what we need. :)


Explored. Sassafras American Eatery.


Throw Kindness Around.