Los Angelos Loft.

losangelos_loft_0005_bedroom1I love the industrial loft look. While I couldn't be happier with the layout of my loft condo... but it isn't very industrial-loft-like stylistically. I want exposed brick and raw wood textures... and I'm pretty sure I've been over this but that is what I want in my condo. We already have the most awesome iron staircase and a raw wood sliding barn door- but now I'm craving some majorly industrial lights and brick walls... and while I'm at it new countertops. :)Anyway- I love this loft in Los Angelos! It has pretty much everything... brick walls, exposed wood, and just that great industrial vibe.losangelos_loft_0004_bedroom2 losangelos_loft_0003_downstairs losangelos_loft_0002_livingroom losangelos_loft_0001_kitchen1 losangelos_loft_0000_kitchen2via Apartment Therapy  |  image credits: Andie Powers


Freebie. Hello May.


Are You A Princess?