Sick Day Favorites.

Is spring the common cold season for anyone else? Cause it seems to be for my hubby and I.This time though I'm pretty proud of the fact that he is in the one who brought it into our home and not me. :D Right after we met I started getting sick ALL the time. I mean every month I had a stuffy nose and a cough and awfulness (we discovered it is because I'm a bit allergic to cat dander... and he has a cat)- so now my hubby kind of thinks of me as "sick a lot" which really isn't the case anymore. I had a pretty minor version of his cold that last like two days... that's what I'm talking about.Anyway- my mother was really into homeopathic solutions for colds (she is not very hippie really... this is about as hippie as she goes). I grew up taking Ricola Cough Drops, drinking loads of herbal tea, vitamin c supplements, echinacea in any form, and using essential oils to help soothe my colds. So I think approach a cold slightly differently than a lot of people... at least I approach it a lot differently than my hubby did before he married me. He has begun to adopt pretty much all of my methods.2014_0416_sickdays

1 |  Ricola Cough Drops

When I think of cough drops I think of Ricola- when I was little I thought they were disgusting so my mother bought me the cherry flavor. As I got older though I discovered that the original flavor works the absolute best at soothing my sore throats (and honestly tastes pretty good)- if you haven't tried this brand of cough drops I highly highly recommend it. There are not very many flavors- I did just noticed there is a new 'mixed berry' flavor- but I haven't tried it. Just try them.  Shop Ricola

2 |  Long Sleeve Yoga Tee

When I'm not feeling well enough to head into the office I shun all things constrictive and grab my super soft yoga shirt. Personally... I like the yoga tee better than just a plan tee because it stretches and moves with me a lot more as I... lay on the couch.  Shop This Shirt

3 |  Kiss-Ass Immune Activator

Yes... that is the name of this particular product. I'll just be super frank about this with you- it tastes awful and my hubby says it makes my breath smell like weird cucumbers. This product is freaking awesome though- it got me through flu season when ALL of my coworkers got the flu around me. I either shot gun it with a water chaser... or I put it in my travel mug of tea to diffuse the flavor.  Shop Kick-Ass Immune

4 |  Herbal Tea

When I got sick when I was younger I was told... "If you aren't going to the bathroom every hour... you aren't drinking enough fluids. You have to pee out your cold." Is it legit? I don't know... but now it is just habit for me to drink loads and loads and loads of herbal tea whenever I am sick. It is really comforting to me and that alone makes me feel a little bit better. If you decide to try this method I have one word of advice... stay away from any caffeinated teas. You're drinking way too much to put any caffeine in the mix. Shop This Tea

5 |  Cotton Capris

Sweat pants are too warm for me on the couch cause I like wrapping myself up in blankets... and blankets mixed with sweat pants make me sweat waaaaay to much. Plus these are adorable and still make me feel a bit cute. Shop These Pants

6 |  Essential Oils

Essential oils are like magic to me... kind of. The mix of lavender, eucalyptus, and rosemary help relieve all my congestion. So I mix the three oils in a oil diffuser and sleep away... breathing a little bit easier. That's the magic I'm talking about- being able to breath a little bit better when I am congested! Shop These Oils


This and That. Love and Faithfulness.


Contemporary Pacific Heights.