This and That. My Most Favorite.

Happy Valentine's Day! I'm aggressively fighting off what could be a cold and preparing to go to a wedding. :)I love weddings and love and romance. I love the natural cuddle-on-the-couch-in-sweats romance and the spend-hours-on-my-appearance-for-a-fancy-dinner romance too. Last year we celebrated, but we stayed at home and enjoyed just being married and the natural flow of our relationship. It was super last minute... it wasn't even a home cooked meal. I bought a pre made at WholeFoods and heated it up at home... but it was wonderful. This Valentine's Day though I am getting all extra extra pretty. I'm going to wear heals. I'm going to dance with my husband. We are going to have fun and enjoy the romantic vibe weddings bring with them. :)2014_0214_thisandthat_favoriteone  |  valentine make out playlist  //  via west elm with molly madfistwo  |  subtle makeup with a dramatic cat eye  //  via h3rmitthree  |  you're pretty much my most favorite of all time in the history of ever  //  via vuiblefour  |  a friendship bouquet  //  via anthropologiefive  |  the spring bedroom  //  via my paradissisix  | copper bicycle //  via anthropologie


Happy Valentine's Day


Spend Valentines Day at Home.