Snow Weekend Mixtape.

2013_1221_christmas2Christmas music has been playing pretty consistently now. I'm loving these acoustic/folksy Christmas songs right now. :)So exciting stuff- I actually have two videos today! I just couldn't pick between the two. The second video - Winter Song (by Sara Barielles and Ingrid Michaelson) is less Christmasy specific (in fact the video ends kind of spring like- it is just so beautiful). I think that idea of being with the people you love is a very beautiful idea connected with the holidays and how the holiday season can feel particularly empty when you are not.Also- Sleeping At Last (aka Ryan O'Neil) records and posts a free Christmas song every year as a little tradition and now has a full Christmas Collection for all to download. So you can download all 13 songs from his Christmas collection now! :D


The Beauty of Winter


This and That. The Most Wonderful Time.