Coral and Mint Detailing

coverThanks for putting up with my semi erratic posting- last Thursday my computer died- not just a little glitch, but full on it wouldn't even turn and would just pretend to turn on for hours. So off to the Apple Store nearby to have a Genius look at- low and behold my hard drive had completely failed. :( So after a little chunk of change (I just can't afford a new computer right now... so the little chunk of change was manageable compared to a whole new computer) and a few days of moving all my files and applications onto my new hard drive I am finally up and running again! :DSo on a happy note- I am in love with these pillows. They are my absolutely favorite part of this whole scene- but everything else around it is white possibly perfectly picturesque.I'm a firm believer in color and have an impossibly hard time picking a favorite, but coral and mint and certainly two top runners. I can't tell you how many pieces in my wardrobe are mint and coral... its a little over the top (I even have two pairs of mint colored shoes... yeah....). Anyway- what I mean to say is I love adding color to decor and this color combo seems to be a pretty lovely way to do it.Also, as you have heard me complain before... I'm tired of winter and snow and really can't wait for spring to come to the lovely land of Colorado. Doesn't this just say "Hello Spring!" to you?hellocoral_straight justcantgetenough daffodils hellospring aboveitall

lovely source: Huset ved Fjorden (the site is in Norwegian - so Google Chrome is handy for translating)


Tavel-In-Comfort Essentials


Discovered : St Patty's Day Labels