setting goals. 2013.

Happy Monday! Last week I talked about my goals from last year. So I have gathered up my goals for this new year- I'm pretty excited for this upcoming year. I'm bringing over a few of my goals from last year because I still have every intention reaching those goals (it doesn't really matter which year it is really).2013_0107_currentgoalsGoals for the Year :1. I really want to learn the piano... and become proficient at it. :)2. I enjoyed doing this last year... So I'm going to read at least four new books.3. I'm really going to finish decorating my apartment. I'm so close... it'll happen this year!4. I'm want to build a remixable wardrobe- and use my clothes better. :)5. Yep... exercise regularly (isn't that everyone's goal).6. My husband and I want to cook at home more often. :)7. Simplify my life.


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