pinterest finds friday. give thanks.

Happy Friday! Yeah! It is Friday! I can't believe next week is Thanksgiving- my hubby and I are hosting this year. We rented out the clubhouse in our apartment complex and we have bought a 24 lb turkey (yes... 24 lbs its not a turkey... its an emu).I'm sticking to very traditional dishes for this round since it is my very first year cooking the meal myself, but I did dream a little about making some crazy over the top fancy dishes to serve to knock everyone's socks off (not literally of course... that's not actually possible as discovered by Myth Busters). As I was planning though I began to feel a little bit of an overwhelmed feeling and switched up my game plan. I'm not a super experienced cook so I'm going to work up to the extravagant meal. :)I do have some of my pinterest pins from my extravagant plans and I thought I would share them as we grow so close to the big day. :D2012_1116_fullone // two // three // four // five // six // quoteFollow Me on Pinterest


having a lovely day


currently loving. holiday festivities.