how I wash my face

A while ago I posted about the importance of washing your face before bed (don't know why its important? see the post!)... and I thought maybe it was time that I explain how I wash my face. I started doing this routine when I first discovered how important it was to wash your face and then I realized I should see if I'm doing it the best way... so I did a little research and discovered that what I was doing was very similar to what everyone was recommending. :)

How to Wash your Face

1. Wash your hands- you don't want to transfer any dirt that is on your hands to your face during the cleansing process! :)2. Remove eye makeup- I actually remove my contacts first of course if I'm still wearing them... but you get the idea. Since I wear waterproof mascara I soak a washcloth in warm water and just lay it against my eyes for a while to loosen up the mascara (I would recommend not rubbing your eyes to much- I used to rub but would get mascara in my eyes sometimes and just decided it wasn't a good idea). Then I remove it completely with sensitive eye makeup remover (it is like a million times easier to get all the mascara off when I do the warm washcloth things first).3. Loosen up all the dirt and makeup- Just simply gently rub your face down with warm water with soft circular motions- make sure not to miss your hairline and chin (I always forget that). Start at your forehead, move down to your nose, across to your cheeks and then down to your chin. :)4. Now repeat step 3 with your cleanser- I use a creamy cleanser that doesn't suds up much (Yes to Carrots - Daily Facial Cleanser is my favorite).5. Rince! Rince! Rince! Take a lot of time to rince away the cleanser because a lot of times it can irritate your skin if you leave the cleanser on your face.6. 'Blot' dry- You don't want to scrub your face dry as it is a little tender from the cleansing- so just gently pat or blot (however you would like to call it) dry.7. Moisturize- Now if you have dry skin like me- I don't dry my face completely and leave it a little bit damp before I apply my moisture (again I use Yes to Carrots - Repairing Night Cream). The moisturizer traps the dampness I didn't dry completely away and adds a little more umph to my moisturizer. If you don't have dry skin, go ahead and dry your face completely. :)8. Go to bed... sleep well- then wake up with healthier, more beautiful skin!You don't have to take my word for it. :) Check out how Real Simple's List.

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