setting goals

It is unfortunate I didn't get this up sooner in the year, but I have discovered that when my goals for the year are officially posted somewhere it is much easier for me to complete them. Is that out of guilt? Maybe... probably. Does that really matter though?Anyways- I am going to be as specific as possible (I find that helps me when setting goals).

1.  Design and print my wedding album (just a few years late... lol)2.  Read at least four new books3.  Finish decorating my apartment (the bare walls are driving me crazy)4.  Be consistently exercising every week5.  Drink at least 24 ounces of water everyday (that's the size of my water bottle)6.  Cook dinner at home at least three times a week7.  Post consistently!

 Here's the thing. I know these won't happen over night... and if I expect them to happen over night I will become discouraged! The goal is to be doing these things by next year. So I can work at perfecting and hitting everything on this list all year long. I'll keep you posted! Do you have a list of goals for 2012?


curly girl.


monday chills and blues