We Need Kindness & Gentleness.
Did you know that this week starts Random Acts of Kindness Week? I know that it sounds kind of not legit- but it really is! There is a foundation for Random Acts of Kindness that officially made February 10th through the 16th RAK Week (I think the acronym for it is kind of ungraceful... but hey that's what it is). My office is going all out for it. I received a bag of Goldfish on my desk this morning to start of the week. :)So lets spread some random acts of unsolicited kindness- it doesn't have to be grand and it doesn't have to be expensive. You can hold the door for the person behind you, smile at people you pass in the halls or in the grocery store. You see when you smile enough and push yourself to be kinder and gentler you'll start to feel it becoming infectious- not only to others, but also to yourself.Fun stuff huh?
And bonus! You can download this as a iPhone background just like last time. I even have an Android version too... you'll just have to let me know how that works for you. I don't have an Android so I couldn't test it out.Download the iPhone BackgroundDownload the Android Background