pinterest finds friday. unique details.

Happy Friday- I really can't believe it is Friday. This week has gone by so quickly with work and everything and next week is a holiday! :D Here are some little details I've collected around pinterest... overall they feel kind of antique or rustic or maybe just a little eclectic. Enjoy!2012_0629_full1. I love these mint plates. found here2. I don't think these would be 'sleeping' pillowcases... but cute cute. found here3. i love the feel of this kitchen organization... just relaxed and nice. found here4. i don't wear much jewelry... but i do love the occasional bracelet. like this one! found here5. i think this is a cute way to display flowers... done to earth but cute. found here- kindness is a language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see -Follow Me on Pinterest


how I wash my face


back on track. but maybe needing some adjustment.