Hello 2018! Hello January! Downloadable Calendar Freebie.
Happy New Year!! Goodbye 2017. Hello 2018! Hello to a free January 2018 calendar- the first one of the year!Mercy... 2017 a year. A happy but also heartbreaking year. That tends to be how a year goes by, isn't it? I don't feel like rehashing everything here- I'm ready for a new year with new blessings and challenges to face. I'm hoping to blog a little more- get back into the swing of that.I had a marvelous December (albeit a very very Star Wars saturated December). We spent Christmas at my parent's house where my brother and sis-in-law surprised us all with their presence. My parents got me a pair of those fancy AirPods and my in-laws gave me a pair of the prettiest boots EVER. My hubby bought me a record player- which I have been looking into for several months now. :) Plus we celebrated our eighth wedding anniversary in downtown Denver sans presents. I also got to spend my birthday with our wonderful group of friends from church. After all that has happened in the past months- it was a very lovely way to end the year.I have a lot of hope for 2018- hope for growth and peace and contentment. I have the same hopes for you all of you this coming year- as well as twelve new free wallpapers for you. :)
Click through for the download links.There are the standard wallpaper options to choose from this month.
Free January 2017 Calendar Wallpaper
1920 x 1080 | 1856 x 1161 | iPad | iPhone
Free January 2017 Quote Wallpaper
1920 x 1080 | 1856 x 1161 | iPad | iPhone
Free January 2017 Picture Wallpaper
1920 x 1080 | 1856 x 1161 | iPad | iPhone