No One Has It All Figured Out

2016_0115_noonehasitallExcuse me while I write a post that is mostly for me... I'm hoping you need to hear what I need to hear too.Stop comparing yourself to others. Stop measuring yourself against someone else's beautiful Instagram feed or their perfectly witty tweets. They don't have everything figured out either.Take inspiration from their amazing skills where they are most proficient- but don't turn it into a critique of your life. You have skills and are proficient in other areas that they may not be. They're human- just like you. You have strengths and weaknesses. They have strengths and weaknesses too. No one has it all figured out. We can all learn from each other to grow and get better.Embrace your strengths and be gentle over your weaknesses. Just think about how you are with your loved ones- the people you know on such a level that you see both their strengths and their weaknesses. You still see their value despite everything else... and that is how you should treat yourself.You will probably never see the weaknesses of someone you only know through Instagram- but don't let keep that from seeing as human beings. Beautiful, flawed, amazing, unique human beings- just like you.


Whole30 Cleanse : Week 1


My 2016 Reading List