Styled. Cute with a Cold & Ginger Tea.

It is that time of the year for me... cold season. Cold season mixed with having so much work to do at work that I can't really afford to take any time off. Plus it is pretty cold out- so knit scarves, long sleeve shirts, and riding boots are my super comfy yet warm uniform until it warms up a little bit. For the sniffles cold- I have a ginger tea to fend off any sore throats from creeping in.Let me warn you - it is a straight up medicinal tea. It is not a delicious sipping drink. I kind of enjoy it myself though... I really really like ginger. I think I might be a little unique in my love for ginger. I swear it works whether you enjoy ginger or not though. :)2015_0113_alldressedupforacold

Sore Throat Ginger Tea Remedy

serves 2 | prep time 20 min


4 cups water1/4 cup ginger root2 tablespoons honey1 tablespoon of lemon juice


1. Boil 4 cups of water into a pot and bring it to a boil.2. Peel and slice the ginger. Then add to boiling pot and bring it down to a simmer.3. Let the ginger simmer for 15 minutes. If you are squeezing your lemon juice freshly go ahead and start doing that now.4. Once the ginger is done simmering add in the lemon juice and then poor the ginger tea through a strainer to pull out the chunks of ginger (and any lemon seeds or pulp).5. Stir in the honey and then let it cool to your desired temperature. Then sip away- drink all of it!*If you can, drink two glasses of this a day- that is best. One in the morning and one at night is even more awesome. This works best (meaning it fends off a cold) if you are feeling the very, very first signs of a cold. If you're in the middle of a nasty cold this won't instantly fix your cold- but it will ease your symptoms.

Now read on for the outfit details!

1 |  long sleeve shirt

I love this classy long sleeve top with its sheer detail on the bottom and the beautiful maroon top. Shop This Shirt from Le Tote | or This One

2 | patterned infinity scarf

I like to add a little pop of pattern if an outfit is mainly solid prints... and I'm addicted to scarves, so it only makes sense that I would add an awesome pattern with a scarf to this outfit. Shop This Scarf | from Le Tote

3 |  skinny jeans

Dressember is over and I'm back to my beloved skinny jeans!! Shop These Jeans

4 | over the knee boots

I have a probably with boots- knee high boots, booties, over the knee boots. I love them all.  Shop These Boots

5 |  funky earrings

I love sparkly, dangly earrings. I like sparkle- but only as long as it is kept to a respectable minimum like my ring and some earrings.  Shop These Earrings | from Le Tote

6 |  cute mug

During the winter months at work a mug is essentially part of my wardrobe. It goes with me to every meeting so I like to either have a really cute and classy mug... or my mug from work that has the company logo on it.  Shop This Mug


Weekend Mixtape. Shake It Out.


There are Far Better Things.