One Dress, Two Ways. Dressember 2014.
We are pretty much half way through Dressember (I talked all about it here). I'm really starting to miss my jeans... and pockets particularly. I keep misplacing my phone because I can't put it in it's usual spot in my back pocket anymore. It is bigger than that though... my slight discomfort is nothing and the community surrounding this movement is truly inspiring.Right after the first of the month, I was contacted by Christine (from Beyoutiful Hope and the Bloggers Against Social Injustice) asking if I was interesting in collaborating with her and a couple other bloggers to talk about Dressember together.... to which I said "Of course, I would love to!" Obviously. This is what Dressember is about building an aware and active community that talks about the issues we are facing and creatively takes a stand.Personally- so far my experience with Dressember is everyone always asking me the same question. "You have thirty some dresses? How do you do that?"It is so much simpler than that though. Dressember's founder and president, Blythe Hill, wears the same dress everyday and styles is differently everyday (it is super inspiring and awesome). I don't do it to quite that level- but I have about five dresses roughly that I rotate through and style differently.So I thought I would show you how I wear one dress in two different ways (wait... pictures actually of me? yeah... I'm going all outside my comfort zone and time schedule to bring you this post- taking pictures of myself in my outfits is a time consuming task for this full time girl). ;)
Since I live in beautiful, colorful Colorado - Dressember can get a little tricky. Leggings, tights, stockings... they are my best friends in the whole wide world during Dressember. Especially fleece lined leggings when it starts to like blizzard and like. Luckily, I had some really nice days for my "photo shoots" so I was only shivering a little bit while snapping the photos with my coat.I don't like the word "thrifty" when I try to describe my wardrobe... but technically it is the case. I prefer words more like super smart, ecofriendly, wise shopping, or economically. About 75% of my entire wardrobe are awesome finds. Consignment stores are my best friend and I don't mind digging through thrift stores to find gems. I'm rather particular about what I take home- no stains or tears or issues that I can't quickly mend myself leave the stores with me.Everything in these two outfits except my shoes, leggings and undergarments came from a consignment or thrift store- but I'll link to similar items for you if you are interested.
It is incredibly easy to mix an match one dress with multiple cardigans, jackets, scarves, shoes, etc to create different looks that I am comfortable wearing day to day (or as comfortable as I can be without jeans). All you need is a little flexibility and inspiration. Click through for my outfit details and the other incredible women that I am collaborating with this Dressember. :)
outfit one
Dress | Similar, Similar, Similar // Jacket | Similar, Similar, Similar // Necklace | Similar, Similar, Similar // Belt | Similar, Similar, Similar // Leggings | Similar, Similar, Similar // Boots | Same, Similar, Similar
outfit two
Dress | Similar, Similar, Similar // Scarf | Similar, Similar, Similar // Belt | Similar, Similar, Similar // Leggings | Similar, Similar, Similar // Booties | Same, Similar, Similar
dressember collaboration gals
Beyoutiful Hope is an ethical fashion and faith blog. It features ethical, sustainable fashion, lifestyle, and travel tips through the lens of a sister in Christ.Visit Beyoutiful HopeBeyoutiful Hope's Dressember Page
Life Unscripted is a blog about living life first, then writing about it. It's full of life lessons, DIYs and tips, style, and photography.Visit Life UnscriptedLife UnScripted's Dressember Page
Cozy Reverie is an art and style blog. It features Amy Watkins's personal style, original artwork, and occasional adventures in sunny Southern CaliforniaVisit Cozy ReverieCozy Reveries's Dressember Page
Tea n' Hunny is a poetry and lifestyle blog. It features Safra Bacchus as she relays cultural fashion, emotional experiences, and her struggles as she tries to pursue her goals.Visit Tea N' HunnyTea N' Hunny's Dressember Page
Styled by Laurajane, is a personal blog featuring Laura's outfits, photography work, and occasionally reviews of various ethical fashion companies. A lot of the post revolve about Noonday Collection, the fair-trade jewelry company that Laura is an independent ambassador for.Visit Styled by LaurajaneStyled by Laurajane's Dressember Page