Explored. Charlotte, North Carolina.

downtown3Last week I was in Charlotte, North Carolina with my hubby visiting the second location of his work. His family sells safety equipment and opened up a second location earlier this year in Charlotte. They celebrated the opening last Friday with a big open house inviting all of their locale clientele to come see their new showroom and warehouse. It was pretty fun.Apart of the actually work that we did down there, my hubby and I had a great time just exploring the city. It is a really pretty area- really lush and green. I was a little uncomfortable with all the humidity and all the bugs (lol). Colorado has little to no humidity so it always an adjustment for me.On our full day of nothing to do, we walked around downtown a little bit and checked it out. We stopped by the Epicentre to maybe get some lunch, but everything we saw there seemed like things we could get here in Denver. So we just meandered down to the The Square where they had a beautiful water fountain and some interesting scupltures.We then decided to grab lunch in the artsy area of NoDa where they have a bunch of craft breweries (my hubby's favorite thing- craft beer). We decided to eat at Jack Beagles (my husband had been there before and loved their mac and cheese so we had to go back). We then walked down to Heist Brewery for some craft beer.We did a few other things as well- but I might save a few for later posts. Plus- I'm sure I'll be visiting again with my hubby since he has work there. :)noda1downtown1 noda3downtown2 noda2


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