Freebie. Hello August.
It has been raining nonstop here for the past day or two which seems to be a new July tradition here in Colorado....... which I love. I was kind of thinking that we wouldn't get some crazy rain this July- but it snuck in before July ended this month. I love the rain it makes everything so green and smell so good. :)I think August gets a bad name... being the last month of summer and all. I like August. I don't mind the evenings starting to cool down while the days are still hot. Plus... I love autumn here in Colorado.
There are three wallpaper options to choose from. The standard calendar, straight pattern, and a quote option. Download just one or all three. :)
August Calendar Wallpaper1920 x 1080 | 1856 x 1161 | iPhone
August Quote Wallpaper1920 x 1080 | 1856 x 1161 | iPhone
August Pattern Wallpaper1920 x 1080 | 1856 x 1161 | iPhone