Freebie. Hello June.
Woah- Hellooooo June. I apologize that I didn't get this to you sooner. I kind of wasn't paying attention that June happened. I'm serious... I just realized yesterday that it is June.Embarrassing? Yes. Unheard of? No.It pretty much feels like summer- its been super hot and we've just spent the last two weekends at grad parties. On that note... how are the kids that my husband and I worked with as junior highers graduates?? Yikes... what the heavens. Summer is the busy season for my husband and I so we don't travel much during the summer- but we are okay with that. :) We love the fact that the holiday season is our quiet season and we just take the occasional long weekend.
There are three wallpaper options to choose from. The standard calendar, straight pattern, and a quote option. Download just one or all three. :)
June Calendar Wallpaper1920 x 1080 | 1856 x 1161 | iPhone
June Quote Wallpaper1920 x 1080 | 1856 x 1161 | iPhone
June Pattern Wallpaper1920 x 1080 | 1856 x 1161 | iPhone