Worthy & Vulnerable.
Ugh... worthiness. There is soooo much that goes along with that word. A lot of weight and hurt or empowerment and success... I've personally discovered a lot of hurt deep down inside that I really have to work through when it comes to feeling worthy. As I've been working to face my issues with anxiety... I've discovered all these links to other issues like perfectionism and poor self esteem. They are not merely connected- they are intertwined and tangled all together. While I have been successful in learning these awesome tools in dealing with my anxiety... I realize that my self-worth is a root that knots all of my struggles together. It is hard to face those issues without facing where they stem from... but it is pretty intimidating to do so.I've been told that vulnerability is a huge step in healing and moving past my struggles with self esteem and perfectionism and anxiety and ultimately my self worth. I don't have this figured out yet... and I really like the idea of trying to white wash everything so you only see the 'perfect parts.' To only who you everything that I have figured out and have a handle on- but honestly, so far my fight to prove myself and make everything seem perfect has only made things feel less so.I'm starting a new book recommended to me from which this quote comes- it is called The Gifts of Imperfection written by Brené Brown (you can watch her powerful TED talk to get a general idea). I've not finished it- so this isn't any review of the book. I'll let you know what I think when I finish it. :)
Bonus! Just like last time - you can download this as a iPhone or Android background. I'm carrying it around now as a reminder to myself... and maybe it can help you as well. It is free- no strings attached. :)Download the iPhone BackgroundDownload the Android Background