Feminine. Chic. And Modern.
When I was a little girl I loved all things sparkling and ornate and feminine. I insisted on wearing dresses and only loved the most girly (and high-healed shoes) shoes. I daydreamed about wearing makeup. I begged my mother to pick the unbelievably gaudy chandelier lights when I was stuck with her and my father at a home improvement store.As I got older I lost any attraction to anything gaudy. I didn't really want a very "blinged-out" wedding dress (the one I fell in love with had a little sparkle at the top thought) and I almost never pull my high-healed shoes unless I'm off to a wedding or a particularly fancy date night with my hubby. And I definitely never think about hanging a chandelier in my home.This particular dwelling place though boasts a beautifully ornate chandelier but is surrounded by an appealing balance of more modern lines. The balance of the ultra feminine and ornate pieces with the clean lines of the modern pieces is really beautiful and really well done. Also side note... I love love love the black claw foot tub. Oh and the open kitchen shelving! Love it.
via dreams + jeans and domino