I Loathe Saying Goodbye
I hate them. Goodbyes. Any goodbye really is a hard thing for me to choke out... even as my hubby and I walk out to our cars to head to work in the morning. Ugh. I loathe them.I most particularly loathe goodbyes that take my husband away and leave me at home alone for extended (extended as in a few days or weeks) periods of time. Like today for example... he had to drive off to the airport for a convention for work. He will be gone until this Thursday and I hate it. Its so lonely. I can't imagine him being gone for a very long time.I try really hard to plan things that distract me- like I have a concert/girls night planned for this Wednesday which will keep me up pretty late (which I am pretty excited about). I'm sure I will watch all of my favorite movies, practice a lot of piano, paint my nails, and possibly dye my hair. Hopefully all that will hold me over until he gets back- I sure do hate being in the apartment alone.