pinterest finds friday. wrapping presents.

So it kind of feels like all I have been doing for the past week is wrapping presents... don't get me wrong I love Christmas and giving gifts and usually love the whole process even wrapping gifts. It just seems to be all I have been doing for the past couple of days... it'll be over soon though so I'm trying to enjoy it even thought it seems particularly endless right now.I'm pretty good at wrapping gifts- not bragging or anything. Wrapping gifts just makes sense and tends to be a fairly painless process for me (except when it doesn't seem to end). So I really like to get into it- with ribbons that matches the paper and handmade bows and all the like. My husband says its intimidating the way I wrap gifts... but I can't help myself. :) Anyway- that being said I found some fun wrapping (and gift tag) examples on pinterest throughout the week that I wanted to share.2012_1207_fullone // two // three // four // five // six // quote


you can always be found


happy birthday momma!