having a lovely day

have a lovely day

Happy Monday. I really enjoyed my post last week that I wanted to play around with the currently trendy chalk board effect again. The 'quote' was inspired by this pin from pinterest- so I can't claim it really at all. I loved the idea and added pieces from my own personal experience. :DI'm all excited for this short work week, seeing my parents and siblings, and cooking a big meal celebrating everything we have. Plus- I just had a wonderfully refreshing weekend with a day at the spa on Saturday (I love a good massage and getting my nails done!) and a wedding on Sunday (who doesn't love weddings?).I didn't post yesterday because of the wedding. My hubby was one of the few groomsmen who had a wife... and so I acted as the pseudo-wife for all of them as they seemed a little bit of a difficult time putting on their tuxes- so I adjusted vests and ties and pinned boutonnieres and folded pocket squares. Plus that and since I wasn't in the wedding party I was able to offer a helping hand with all the set up to help keep the bride off her feet. So it was a busy night- but so very fun. :) Hope you all had a wonderful weekend as well.Hope you have a lovely lovely day! :)


to work in a place like this


pinterest finds friday. give thanks.