those exercise dvds we all have
I feel pretty good about myself right now. I haven't slacked off at all with my workouts and I've keep my calories in check without starving myself. So I'm very happy to report my weight this week!I'm a little sore but not to the extent I was last week... it is strangely a good feeling pain, like "heck yeah I'm actually doing something... its actually working." I've switched from going to the gym because I was having a hard time last week dredging up the motivation to actually go to the gym- so I pulled out one of the exercise DVDs I bought a while ago (we all have them... I'm sure. we at least have several at home.) that I really wanted to take advantage of but was never able to keep up the motivation past like two days because the workouts were fairly intense.Over a year ago... well almost three years ago technically (woah)... I bought a DVD set that promised you and leaner and sexier derrière and thighs. I don't know if I have mentioned but my derrière and thighs are my absolute worst trouble spots when it comes to weight and my negative body image. I remember sitting and eating in at a Red Robin (I was not watching my weight at all at that point and had reached my heaviest weight at 150 lbs) and an infomercial came on the tvs there. It was all about the amazing workout that you could do to completely transform your derrière and thighs.I used it for like... a two days or so when I first bought it - then as always stopped using it for a while. I could barely get through the workouts without feeling like I was going to die and it was very discouraging. Since then my hubby and I have almost completely transformed our eating habits and a year after I hit my heaviest we had both lost 20 pounds and felt amazing. I have pictures for you.
Oh boy... you can't even find my chin! Compared to the 'after' pictures- its not a magical change, but you can see my chin and I hadn't been able to wear that red jacket before loosing the weight!Anyway- I'm here to tell you maybe you should pull out one of those exercise DVDs you have sitting around that you gave up on. I have successfully completely the first week of the outlined work outs from the DVD... and I have to tell you, the mere act of completing those workouts has been inspiring and uplifting. I did it. I didn't do one day and decide to give up on it again. I've stuck with it.Whether the DVDs work or not has yet to be seen. I will rant or rave to you in a few weeks. So I'm not giving a recommendation or a 'stay-far-far-away' review yet, but if you are interested to know which workout DVDs I am using. You can find them here- from BeachBody (the same place the popular Insanity and P90X come from). I am using the very girly (but I'm okay with that) Brazil Butt Lift.