discouragement and encouragement

Had one of those days today- got on the scale and stared at a number I was not really excited to see. According to the cursed device I have lost absolutely no weight at all since last week- which is not great for my dreams of going on vacation to someplace warm and amazing next year. I'm a little nervous I won't be able to reach my goal.I'm trying really hard to not turn to something like chocolate or cheesecake to deal with my discouragement over my weight. I'm going to head over the gym and exercise it out. According to the MayoClinic, exercise often relieves stress and depression in a couple different ways:

  • It pumps up your endorphins. Physical activity helps to bump up the production of your brain's feel-good neurotransmitters, called endorphins. Although this function is often referred to as a runner's high, a rousing game of tennis or a nature hike also can contribute to this same feeling.
  • It's meditation in motion. After a fast-paced game of racquetball or several laps in the pool, you'll often find that you've forgotten the day's irritations and concentrated only on your body's movements. As you begin to regularly shed your daily tensions through movement and physical activity, you may find that this focus on a single task, and the resulting energy and optimism, can help you remain calm and clear in everything that you do.
  • It improves your mood. Regular exercise can increase self-confidence and lower the symptoms associated with mild depression and anxiety. Exercise also can improve your sleep, which is often disrupted by stress, depression and anxiety. All this can ease your stress levels and give you a sense of command over your body and your life.

I've been feeling particularly frustrated lately though because I still can't put a lot of weight on my injured toe (yep- it is still healing. it was a pretty deep puncture it seems). Instead of running or anything that requires a lot of 'foot movement' I guess- I'm going to hop on the stationary bike and see if my feet can handle that. :) Oh and I promised our goals this week!Think we can do it? I sure hope so! I think I'm going to go jump on a bike!


pinterest finds friday. snow on rooftops.


pristine and modern and simple