not sure what happened

Sometimes I think that my body is just a little weird. Cause I was doing great all week - I weighed myself everyday (crazy? yes I think so) and I had dropped back down to an even 130 lbs consistently all week. Then when I jumped on the scale this morning... what number do I see?

Weird. Oh well- its a little tiny pound and not a big deal... and probably related to the fact that I am a girl and deal with all the lovely unmentionable facts of being a girl. That being said- I'm still feeling pretty good overall and successful in my journey to a healthier lifestyle and a healthier body.While I'm on the healthier lifestyle subject - I thought I would share one of my favorite blogs -Rabbit Food for my Bunny Teeth- that I frequently visit for her amazing, healthy recipes and sweet disposition throughout her posts. I love love love that she had both sweet and savory recipes. Here are some lovely recipes I discovered on her blog (which they of course all belong to her!) -


pinterest finds friday. subtle.


a summer island retreat