I never used to really wash my face before bed. I had nothing against- I just didn't see the point. I was going to shower the next morning, and the shower would help wash away the makeup and gunk on my face, right? Well- that was not the best idea at all. Not only did I ruin a lot of pillow cases from rubbing my makeup off on them- but I struggled with dry, pealing skin and acne. Sure- cleansing my face every night added more to my routine at night- but it has significantly improved my skin.

Things to keep in mind before you just jump into bed before cleansing your face-
Point 1 : Not only are you removing makeup but dirt and dust as well that has clung to your makeup like a magnet throughout your day.
Why is this important? Makeup, dirt, dust, and whatever else was in the air throughout your day will clog pores and cause some pretty unsightly things - like acne, large pores, rashes, and irritated skin.
Point 2 : Mascara left on lashes too long can make them brittle.
Why is this important? When sleeping your face rubs against your
pillowcase constantly, which can pull at your
eyelashes and breaking them if they are brittle. Also, in rare cases the broken eyelashes and particles from your eyeshadow and mascara can cause eye
irritations and possibly infections (but don't get caught up on that).
Point 3 : Skin naturally exfoliates at night by shedding dead skin cells.
Why is this important? Your makeup keeps your skin from naturally going through this process and traps dead
skin cell on your face making it dull and flaky.
Point 4 : Skin absorbs
moisture and repairs itself better at night than during the day.
Why is this important? Clean skin absorbs moisturizers better- and clean skin at night with a healthy layer of
moisturizer on repairs itself better and absorbs the wonderful benefits of your moisturizer.
**On that note... it is very important to moisturize before bed! Don't forget to moisturize!**Bonus note about moisturizing - Your moisturizer will trap moisture on your skin if it is squeaky clean... so apply your moisturizer to slightly damp, but very clean skin to pump up the moisture your skin locks in while your dreaming. :)Now - say you had a very late night and are utterly exhausted, and maybe you really just can't stay awake to go through your cleansing process. I leave a pack of moist toilettes on my nightstand (that has a moisturizer in it) that I can use to at least wipe off as much of my makeup as I can before I fall into bed. Anything helps! Just do not do that every night.