At the Top of the Mountain.

2015_0610_icanttell2Life is the big crazy, difficult, exhausting journey. Sometimes I feel like I'm close to having something figured out... to this huge break through in my life... and then the very next moment everything makes me feel unstable and uncertain.A few weeks ago I started to feel incredibly stable in my footing. I know this may all sound silly and trivial. My hubby and I were in sync and having an amazing time... I was getting into this really fulfilling and therapeutic grove of art journaling... I was keeping my home all organized and cleaned up. Life was feeling stable. Then I had a pretty bad flare up of my neck/back problem.Almost two weeks of straight pain have eaten away at my confidence and contentment level. I tend to not be as active of course when I'm in pain... so my efforts in my home have become less neat and organized, sitting over my art journal has become less appealing to my sensitive back, and I've been (unfortunately) quicker to be annoyed with everyone around me (including my sweet hubby). I become more sensitive to stress at work... and I become less of the person I want to be.I've adjusted and healed from pain like this before. I've learned how to get better and be content in the midst of pain before... and I have healed before. As I have become more aware of who I am... and what I need to be content and heal- when I slide back from my more content state I am more aware of that huge difference. I feel like that is where the quote comes in- the closer I am to the top of my mountain (my contentment) the harder the wind blows and the more I feel a little slip backward.


Weekend Mixtape. Ends of the Earth.


Explored. Rags Consignment.