Run. Fight. Hit. Like A Girl.

2014_0714_likeagirlHave you seen this new campaign from Always (yes - they make feminine products)? I see my baby sister in the little girls in the video who feel no shame and don't have any understanding of the phrase 'like a girl' being an insult. I loved the passion of the little girls to do wholeheartedly the action they were being told to do. Sure... they're most likely actors. Sure everyone is the commercial are probably actors... but doesn't it just make you think a little bit?I have heard and seen some negative attitudes about this... saying its whining and silly and overly sensitive. That women should just suck it up because that insult isn't even being said to them most of the time. True. It is usually an insult thrown out to boys and men. It is an insult used to tell a boy they are not acting strong enough or athletic enough or whatever enough.I don't know... but that doesn't seem okay to me. It is a horrible mind set to have... that doing anything 'like a girl' means you are doing it wrong/poorly/silly/pathetically. I don't think it is okay to just deal with it. There is absolutely nothing wrong with doing anything like a girl... I mean particularly if you are a girl because there is no better way to do it.

"In my work as a documentarian, I have witnessed the confidence crisis among girls and the negative impact of stereotypes first-hand," said Lauren Greenfield, filmmaker and director of the #LikeAGirl video. "When the words 'like a girl' are used to mean something bad, it is profoundly disempowering. I am proud to partner with Always to shed light on how this simple phrase can have a significant and long-lasting impact on girls and women. I am excited to be a part of the movement to redefine 'like a girl' into a positive affirmation."


Happy Birthday Bubba!


This and That. Look for Rainbows.